- the Forum has died?
- that happens with edition?
Pressing under the never ending attacks actions the new "edition" of magazine has moved on the new address: http://www.digitalphoto.ru/ on a server. Nevertheless, and this site now is blocked! I dare to assume that we observe the end of this magazin as a "useful edition". It was the most successful (and unusual on a format!) Editions in Russia on a digital photo which some years conducted by Editor, Mr. Eugenie Uvarov. In my opinion, a basis of success of this magazine was far-sighted "politics" of this person. Mr. Uvarov has supported any relations with readers and magazine, he was arranging " creative evenings " with everyone to whom this magazine was dear. After leaving Eugenie, the magazine has lost both in the consistence and "format". Further, a Digital Camera Photo&Video magazine with full dissolution of all editorial board "was die". As a result, we observe disturbing disorder of the photoperiodical press which so did not suffice us, during a Soviet times (who remembers, certainly!) I ask the God that there was a " Consumer: the photo and videocameras " magazine on action. The magazine I began shy steps in a photo with which.
Questions.... Questions... questions are still remain! Does in Russia authors are not so necessary? Does there is to whom and about what to write so many? ;)
Maybe, we like in a science still " we shall produce a Great Scientists "....... I Dare to assure you, that in a science we already shall producing nothing... I am afraid now, it's will be on the literature and arts too!
However, let's return themselves to the theme back.
"Photo Ladies" of the 2008 will be more beautiful, than 2009 "models", as usual....

Here is a traditional "strawbery"

and this old gentleman who has hunted for her with the compact camera :)

That's all. I will be glad for yours response!
Malik Maxutov, 31th of March 2009.
Thank you Emilio!
P.S. At the next time it will be in English ;)