So, we at the Photoforum.... Having taken with myself a backpack with digital and film equipment, I have not forgotten with myself and the wife to take..... my wife, of course. All of us time we visit this action together, and this year did not become exception. Oh, you can to understand all depth of words "economic crisis" in this place! The area of an exposition has decreased exactly twice, with the last year comparison. Certainly, the first stand, which has met us, was a Sony stand. I had such impression, that the Photoforum 2009 has been devoted for the Sony only!
We was meet with this “cheerful ladies”, with the “difficult to determination” sexual accessory..

The same “well-known Russian photographer ", has told to us about a
FF- advantages of the "new" DSLR Sony as in the past year. I have decided to answer to him in the same manner, having made the picture with the "new" FF film-SLR Nikon F100

By the way, stand Nikon, has remained the centre of gravity of "phototechnicans": not so it is bright as Sony, but "technical" a very much! The order from interested persons was built for "to wear" the new Nikkor DX35/1.8 one. Another one " the known foreign photographer ", looks like a “slightly inaccuracy” which, to tell something for public surrounding about Nikon novelties tried. There and then acted. A trouble is that English translation from was not only ugly, but it also it was not audible. Because of the loud music reached from a standing car, stuffed with “Hi-Fi” and “Hi-End” from Sony. More shortly, it is the guy says something to the nose itself in English, and public understudy nodded, having limited to the "sign language translation" causing of low-frequency fluctuations of his lips! By the way, do not know, who it?

Probably, I have missed something.... Possibly, he is a skilful Man and excellent family man! But having looked at him, and on Nikon’s stand both, I has understood, what very much there it is boring! However, does the Nikon know, what at all of them time is boring? Every year it is boring! It’s a very interesting to know….. When this gentleman has stopped to speak, a couple of models from Nikon was occur! Personally, I liked the only one (telling for truth, she was in black...too!)

Having made the shot, to leave " the most boring place on the ground " we have decided . We are going to the FUJI stand . I already knew, that anything good from them I should not hear. Generally speaking, FUJI the "espionage" tactics suiting. More likely for persons, burdened by knowledge of the “state secret”, not for the World best making, with the more light and... more Green! Yes, at stand FUJI was more cheerful, than at Nikon (after Nikon’s stand in general, there was a proof sensation, that they there buried someone).... But, it is enough to look at it "Luxury" to cease to read annual reports FUJIFILM, feeding modest hope for something, "rather brand new". It is a very "signee" the lonely roll of a sticky tape at the stand of the Company, in an environment of the microscopic boxes stuffed by "innovations" looks:

Maybe, this is a "biggest" achievement of the Company for expired some years, after release FUJI S5Pro? The "Pro" which I still continue to love that, despite of its rather decrepit age, to measures of modern "playboys". Well all right, stop the irony , is a something was good? Certainly, was! For example, one Japanese gentleman from Mitsubishi, was introduced a film with the same name. I’m speak for him, what about GRANULARITY of this film? He all time answered to me
- Yes, yes, yes.....
Well it is exact, as in "Heart Breakers”(2001) film:
- Da, Babushka, Da!
I Joke, certainly. Here, that, and is more true, who has liked me on this action (not excepting the wife, she will read these lines too!)

With the Best wishes, and many thanks to everyone who not looking on what, reads these confused lines.
Moscow, 13:52, May 6, 2009.
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